The Gabriola Island Land Stewards Society annual general meeting will take place on Monday March 28th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm @ the Agi Hall. Everyone is welcome. The agenda for the meeting is:
- Minutes of January 30, 2021 AGM
- 2021 financial statements & decision not to appoint an auditor
- Working groups: what we are doing & how to get involved
- Brainstorming session
- Proposed Bylaw changes
- Upcoming members’ workshop to establish policies for use of GILSS land
- Gabriola fundraising collaborative
- Election of directors-at-large
- Other?
We invite Gabriola residents, Indigenous people on whose traditional territory we live, and organizations that work with people living on Gabriola, to become members of GILSS. Annual membership fees are $10/year for individuals, and a sliding scale of between $50 and $100/year for organizations. You can e-transfer your membership fee (please write your name in the message box, and use “Gabriola” as the answer to your security question), or send a cheque to GILSS, P.O. Box 123, Gabriola, BC, V0R 1X0. To vote at the AGM, you must be a member in good standing for at least 14 days prior to the AGM. To run for election as a director at large, you must be a member in good standing for at least 25 days in advance of the AGM. GILSS is now a registered charity! We can issue tax receipts for donations of land, cash, securities, or other assets that GILSS can use to purchase land.